Acting, Fliming And Sports These Are
My One And Only Passion at the
Moment I am also thinking of doing
Something Different too First: I
Want to be a Dental Assistant I
Am or might be finishing this
Course First In my College back In Singapore
Then I have to Finish my Curtin maybe
In Singapore Or In Perth I think maybe In
Perth And then after that I am going to do what I want and Like and Love
To do Like: Music,DJ,Singing,Dancing,Acting,Fliming
And Sports. And I am also going to get my Daddy to come to Perth
Cause my brother say so...
Once I have finish the course that I am Doing Right Now,
I Really Want to do Music Therapy Course
But the only think they do not Provide
Music Therapy Course In Perth WA
And even around Australia they only do
And Provide
Music Therapy Course In USA, Anyways
I will think about it first and see how it
Goes First...
I Really Miss My Guitar and My Piano!
I am going to Pray about it first and see
How it goes...